The world is entering a new era of international collaboration in media and entertainment. How do stakeholders and participants blend and interpret their respective cultures and points of view? What results--a piece of work that celebrates the beliefs and values of local people, or will misunderstanding and controversy flourish? The film, "The Lady of Heaven," is one such multicultural endeavor. It was produced by the U.K.'s Enlightened Kingdom, directed by Eli King, an Australian born actor of Egyptian descent, and written by Sheikh Yasser Al-Habib, a Kuwaiti Shia Muslim cleric, and the head of the London-based Khoddam Al-Mahdi Organization. After watching the trailer, the film appears to be a vivid, multilayered story with significant religious overtones. "The Lady of Heaven" was due to be released Dec. 30 but has not. While no official reason has been given, dissent about the content's veracity has already begun.