Global Age Ratings Made Simple

Transform content strategy into global success.

Reduce ratings submission time by 70% while reaching 200+ countries and territories. Trusted by leading streaming platforms and content creators to produce over 1M+ ratings annually.
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An assortment of international film classification and rating symbols, including age-specific ratings such as A10, A12, A14, A16, A18, and others. The image features symbols from various countries with different colors and styles, including labels like "G," "PG," "PG-13," "R," "NC-17," and others, indicating suitable viewing audiences based on content sensitivity and age appropriateness.
spherex Age Ratings

Why Leading Brands Choose Spherex

One platform, one submission, complete coverage.

A screenshot of the Spherex media analysis dashboard showing detailed content breakdown for the movie "Divergent." Information includes the release year2014, runtime of02:19:40, genre "Action & Adventure," and age rating PG-13. The dashboard categorizes content into Alcohol, Drugs, Horror, Nudity, Profanity, Sexuality, Smoking, and Violence with accompanying graphs for scene analysis. A scene timeline highlights specific instances, such as Scene10, detailing profanity with casual language and visual showing a finger cut with blood dripping. The interface allows filtering by category and contains various content exception flags.

Precise Ratings,
Maximum Impact

Our deep understanding of global content standards ensures accurate ratings across all territories. Advanced content analysis evaluates each scene against local cultural context and regulatory requirements, ensuring precise compliance for every submission.

Make Strategic
Distribution Decisons

Make confident distribution decisions with scene-by-scene intelligence that pinpoints exactly what drives your content's rating in each market. Strategic insights help you to:
  • Prevent costly re-submissions and delays
  • Make compliance edits with confidence
  • Access the widest possible market
A screenshot of the Spherex media analysis dashboard showing detailed content breakdown for the movie "Divergent." Information includes the release year2014, runtime of02:19:40, genre "Action & Adventure," and age rating PG-13. The dashboard categorizes content into Alcohol, Drugs, Horror, Nudity, Profanity, Sexuality, Smoking, and Violence with accompanying graphs for scene analysis. A scene timeline highlights specific instances, such as Scene10, detailing profanity with casual language and visual showing a finger cut with blood dripping. The interface allows filtering by category and contains various content exception flags.

Brand Safety,
‍‍Trusted Compliance

Protect your content and reputation with proven compliance processes. As the only commercially accepted provider worldwide, we ensure accurate ratings for your entire content catalog. Navigate cultural nuances and regulatory requirements with expert support at every step.
A screenshot of the Spherex platform interface for movie age rating management. It shows the selection process for the film "New Dawn Coming," listed under English, United States, with a runtime of01:46:22, across119 territories. Users can choose territories for age ratings, segmented by regions like Africa and Middle East, Asia, Europe, and others. Europe is expanded, displaying countries such as Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and others with checkboxes. Additional navigation includes options to search territories, add titles, and manage videos and analytics.

Why Age Ratings Matter
 For Your Business

Age rating decisions directly impact your revenue potential. Lower ratings mean larger audiences and higher returns, but getting it wrong is costly:

  • Restricted audience reach and lost revenue
  • Regulatory fines and expensive re-edits
  • Delayed market entry and missed opportunities

Smart age ratings management transforms compliance from a requirement into a competitive advantage in every market.

The Spherex Advantage

Our clients maximize audience reach while ensuring compliance across all territories. By understanding the specific factors driving ratings in each market, they make strategic content decisions that optimize global distribution.

The result? One trusted partner delivers:

  • Broader audience reach and faster time-to-market
  • Comprehensive coverage including film and television ratings
  • Support for highly regulated markets including Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and United Kingdom
  • Distribution across streaming platforms, FAST channels, broadcast, and theatrical (AU)

"Working with Spherex, we feel confident about the title’s age rating and the exact events affecting the rating. Spherex helps us make educated distribution decisions and adds an extra layer of security, giving us peace of mind knowing our titles are compliant."

A casual setting inside a coffee shop with a person seated at table, holding a smartphone. A latte is placed in front of them, and the background includes typical café furnishings such as chairs, tables, and chalkboard menu, creating a cozy, relaxed atmosphere.
Erin Pritchard
Executive Director of Operations, cineverse
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Ready to Optimize Your
Global Content Strategy?

Join leading content creators in delivering compliant content worldwide.

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3D render of Earth in space, the planet floating in the dark universe, with blue color and white and gray tones, suitable as a global wallpaper, background, illustration, or banner.3D render of Earth in space, the planet floating in the dark universe, with blue color and white and gray tones, suitable as a global wallpaper, background, illustration, or banner.
3D render of Earth in space, the planet floating in the dark universe, with blue color and white and gray tones, suitable as a global wallpaper, background, illustration, or banner.3D render of Earth in space, the planet floating in the dark universe, with blue color and white and gray tones, suitable as a global wallpaper, background, illustration, or banner.